# The Donkey A small utilitarian self driving vehicle. * Project goal: The the sidewalk self driving vehicle (auto). ### Build your own. Here are [instructions](get_started.md) and part lists to build your own car. ## How to use. All of these examples assume you're connected to your donkey via SSH and you've activated the virtual environment. ### Activate the virtual environment ``` cd code/donkey source env/bin/activate ``` ### Train a route 1. Start recording steering and images ```bash python manage.py record --filerecorder --webcontrol ``` 2. Go to ':8889' in your browser to control the car. 3. End training by typing `Ctrl-c` in your ssh sesion. ### Create a predictor for the route. Train predictors from recorded data ``` python manage.py train --indir ``` ### Let the predictor drive the trained rout. ``` python manage.py auto --indir ``` Where indir is the directory of the images used to train the predictor. ##TODO: - [ ] Threadsafe image capture (for webserver + recorder) http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/12/28/increasing-raspberry-pi-fps-with-python-and-opencv/ - [ ] Update vehicle to drive given manual input. - [ ] Try loading tensor flow on Raspberry Pi - [ ] Train Convolution network from numpy arrays Email Adam, Keven and Jeff about the Jan 22nd Race